- Chapter Zero
- e Webinar
Webinar – 26/03/2021 – Climate Disclosure and the European Directive on Non-Financial Reporting: What Boards Need to Know?
26 Marzo 2021 ore 12:00
This webinar will analyze the application of the European Directive N. 2014/95/EU (in force since 2018) that – for the first time ever in the world – requires boards of directors of European big corporations to publish information on “the expected impact of science-based climate change scenarios on corporate strategies and activities” and will share existing research and insights on how different stakeholders (authorities, investors, advisors, firms) integrate non-financial and climate disclosures into their business, and their expectations from the future developments.
Welcome note
Sabrina Bruno, Chair Chapter Zero Italy
Boards and climate change: moving to a global system of thinking and reporting
Veronica Poole, Global IFRS and Corporate Reporting Leader Deloitte
Quality of climate disclosure: takeaways from Italian non-financial statements
Silvana Anchino, Head of Issuers Information Supervision Office CONSOB
From climate disclosure to governance and strategy: the SNAM model
Alessandra Pasini, Chief Financial Officer Snam s.p.a.
Investors and climate change in Europe: Morrow Sodali Institutional Investor Survey 2021
Fabio Bianconi, Senior Director Morrow Sodali
Do investors care about carbon risk?
Iancu Daramus, Senior Sustainability Analyst Legal and General
Driving insights and action for a better economy. Voluntary vs. mandatory reporting – sticks and carrots
Steven Tebbe, Steering Group Member EFRAG Reporting Lab & Managing Director CDP Europe
Future legislative developments in Europe
Franco Amelio, Sustainability Leader Deloitte
Closing Note
Maria Pierdicchi, Chair Italian Nedcommunity
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