Corporate culture and the role of boards. A report published by The Financial Reporting Council – ecoDa Week Alert N. 29 and Alerts N. 33, 34-35, 36


ecoDa Week Alert N. 29

It includes:

  1. Briefing – Publishing Corporate tax information: Country-by-country reporting for multinational enterprise groups
  2. Corporate culture and the role of boards. A report published by The Financial Reporting Council
  3. EU Presidency
  4. Conference on Sustainable Companies Summit – Brussels, September 28th 2016
  5. Roundtable on the key long term trends affecting boards
  6. ecoDa’s News

ecoDa Week Alert N. 33

It includes:

  1. FSB consultation on the G20/OECD Corporate Governance Principles
  2. Committee of European Auditing Oversight Bodies. Inaugural meeting
  3. Non-financial reporting. Workshop with stakeholders on 27 September 2016
  4. The FEE (European Federation of Accountants) on the Future of Corporate Reporting
  5. UK/Executive Remuneration Working Group. Final Report
  6. International Investors’ Conference. Wiesbaden, 29 November 2016
  7. ecoDa’s News

ecoDa Week Alerts N. 34-35

They include:

  1. EC Report on remuneration rules for credit institutions and investment firms
  2. Say on pay – A Report on Restoring Responsible Ownership
  3. OECD Working Paper on Corporate Governance of Financial Groups
  4. ECGI Paper on Employee Participation in Corporate Governance and Corporate Social Responsibility
  5. European Parliament / EMPL Committee – Hearing on Employee financial participation in the age of digitalization
  6. ecoDa’s News

ecoDa Week Alert N. 36

It includes:

  1. European Banking Authority (EBA)- Consultation paper on fit and proper – October 2016
  2. Audit Reform – Market Monitoring
  3. More Women in senior positions in the European Commission. An overview of the achievements
  4. Upcoming book on “Shareholders’ Duties in Europe” by Hanne Birkmose
  5. UK – Forthcoming consultation on corporate irresponsibility
  6. ecoDa’s News