ecoDa – EU Alert 15 – 2024

It includes:
European Commission: a clean transition dialogue
European Parliament votes in favour of strengthening the application of the GDPR

Business Europe asking for a decrease of the regulatory burden 30 propositions for a Europe that undertakes
Landmark ruling on governments climate inaction
EFRAG calls for companies to contribute to guidance of transition planning
Study on the Effectiveness and Efficiency of the EU Framework on Corporate Governance

UK: Pension funds savers value votes against directors
US: Proxy expectations for 2024

Digital guide of companies’ ESG reporting
Artificial intelligence: an engagement guide for boards

Full recording of the Webinar on How can company boards lead the sustainability transition

ecoDa News

  • 7th April: Intervention of Leena Linaainmaa ((ecoDa Advocacy Committee Chair) in the Podcast “The Sustainability Story”, discussing due diligence and supply chain in the EU
  • 12th April, 19th April and 25th April: Extra modules of the EBD
  • 28 May: Member forum in Brussels: Try to mobilize your team to join us!

The EU Alert is available for download here.