Premiazione 56° edizione Oscar di Bilancio

Una premiazione inedita quella dell’edizione 2020 dell’Oscar di Bilancio, rigorosamente in streaming per ottemperare alle norme anti Covid. L’evento coordinato da Luca Testoni, Direttore di ETica News, alla cui realizzazione ha contributo anche Nedcommunity, ha visto la premiazione delle seguenti società:


Grandi imprese Ftse Mib: Poste Italiane

Medie e piccole imprese quotate: Fincantieri

Imprese finanziarie quotate: Assicurazioni Generali

Imprese ed enti finanziari non quotati: Banca Etica

Fondazioni erogatrici: Fondazione Cariparo

Imprese sociali e associazioni non profit: Save the Children

Enti locali: Comune di Peschiera Borromeo

Oscar per la comunicazione: Cirfood

Oscar per l’Integrated Reporting: Comune di Sasso Marconi

Oscar per la DNF (Dichiarazione Non Finanziaria): Gruppo Eni



Alla cerimonia ha partecipato anche la presidente di Nedcommunity, Maria Pierdicchi che ha premiato virtualmente il Cfo di Eni, Francesco Gattei.


A questo link tutti i premiati

A questo link la registrazione della premiazione


EC: Consultation on criteria defining environmentally sustainable activities – EcoDa EuAlert 48

It includes:

  • EC: Consultation on criteria defining environmentally sustainable activities
  • EC: FISMA commissioned a study on the Audit Directive and Regulation
  • EP: EU consumers will soon be able to defend their rights collectively
  • Implications of the Wirecard case
  • UK: Covid-19 strenghtens the need for audit improvement, FRC urges
  • UK: Reporting on the new Corporate Governance Code is a mixed picture 
  • Switzerland: Upcoming Referendum on corporate sustainability
  • Germany: ‘historic’ mandatory boardroom quota for women
  • France: Danone: Purpose driven companies cannot let aside shareholders’ interests
  • France: A new initiative to promote gender diveristy in boardrooms 
  • The IIRS and the SASB merge into the Value Reporting Foundation  
  • ecoDa’s News


Principi Guida – I Principi degli Associati per il Buon Governo Societario


Tenuto conto delle recenti evoluzioni delle principali tematiche e best practice di Governance in Italia e in Europa, il Consiglio Direttivo di Nedcommunity, in collaborazione con il Comitato dei Saggi e con il contributo del Comitato Scientifico, ha provveduto ad aggiornare i Principi Guida.

Il testo messo a punto recepisce in modo sintetico dieci Principi per il Buon Governo societario, come riportato nell’articolo del Sole 24Ore Plus del 21/11/2020, a firma di Antonio Criscione (link all’articolo:  LINK)

Il testo dei Principi per il Buon Governo societario può essere scaricato dal menu ASSOCIAZIONE/PRINCIPI GUIDA del sito o direttamente a questo link ( LINK )

EP: Update on the Sustainable Corporate Governance and on the Liability of companies for environmental damage files – ecoDa EU Alert 47

It includes:

  1. EP: Update on the Sustainable Corporate Governance and on the Liability of companies for environmental damage files
  2. EFRAG: Preparatory work for the elaboration of possible EU non-financial reporting standards
  3. EFRAG: Changes to governance and financing
  4. Essay: Sustainable Corporate Governance: The Role of the Law (ECGI)
  5. Report: For a European Law of Compliance (Le Club des Juristes)
  6. Report: Third TCFD Status Report shows progress
  7. ECMI: Europe’s Capital Markets puzzle
  8. Event: Policy Workshop on Sustainability Reporting – IFRS Consultation (ECGI and IEF) (Registration HERE)
  9. Event: 2020 European Risk Management Awards Week (FERMA) (Registration HERE)
  10. Summary Report: Corporate Governance for sustainable and competitive European companies (ecoDa, BusinessEurope and EuropeanIssuers)
  11. ecoDa’s News

 ECGI : Webinars on Directors’ Duties and Sustainable Corporate Governance – EcoDa EuAlert 46

It includes

  1.  ECGI : Webinars on Directors’ Duties and Sustainable Corporate Governance
  2. Capital Market Union is progressing too slowly 
  3. EP: Green Deal 
  4. EC: New Consumer Agenda
  5. ESMA: Corporate Governance: Back on the agenda 
  6. Report: New data show insufficient progress in companies’ climate and environmental disclosures (Alliance for Corporate Transparency)
  7. News: Refinitiv acquires The Red Flag Group, significantly expanding its suite of due diligence offerings
  8. Event:  The European Business and Nature Summit
  9. Event Recording: ICGN Global Virtual Summit 2020
  10. ecoDa’s News


ESMA: Consultation to specify obligations on environmentally sustainable activities – Ecoda EU Alert 45

It includes

1. ESMA: Identified deficiencies in German supervision of Wirecard’s financial reporting

2. ESMA: Consultation to specify obligations on environmentally sustainable activities

3. EBA: Discussion on ESG risks management and supervision

4. Council of the EU: Collective Redress for consumers

5. GNDI: Actual concerns of national institutes of directors worldwide

6. Paper: Shareholder Value(s): Index Fund ESG Activism and the New Millennial Corporate Governancen (ECGI)

7. Article: Covid-19 is rewriting the rules of Corporate Governance (Harvard Business Review)

8.  Workshop: on Directors’ Duties and Sustainable Corporate Governance (ECGI) 

9. ecoDa’s News

EP and EC: Sustainable Corporate Governance – ecoDa Eu Alert 43-44

It Includes

  1. EP and EC: Sustainable Corporate Governance
  2. EP: Due Diligence and Corporate Accountability – Updates and Studies
  3. EP: Liability of companies for environmental damages – Updates and Studies
  4. Call for action: From Shareholders Primacy to Stakeholder Capitalism: a Policy Agenda for Systems Change (B Lab and The Shareholders Commons
  5. Paper: Shareholder Value in a Burning World (Project Syndicate)
  6. Policy Paper European Green Transparency: Lessons from France and Further Room Improvement (Institut Jacques Delors)
  7. Publication: The 2020 European AGM Season (Morrow Sodali)
  8. Paper: Four ways boards can oversee risk management beyond Covid-19 (EY) 
  9. Global Survey: EY Board Barometer Survey  
  10. ecoDa’s News