L’assemblea dell’Associazione, tenuta il 6 Luglio 2020, ha approvato la nomina di Marco Rigotti, in sostituzione del dimissionario Franco Morganti, quale componente del Collegio dei Saggi di Nedcommunity
Mese: Luglio 2020
La nostra Associata Secondina Ravera nel Consiglio di Indirizzo dell’Azienda di Servizi alla Persona Istituti Milanesi Martinitt e Stelline e Pio Albergo Trivulzio
La nostra Associata Secondina Ravera è stata nominata, il 10 Luglio 2020, quale componente del Consiglio di Indirizzo dell’Azienda di Servizi alla Persona Istituti Milanesi Martinitt e Stelline e Pio Albergo Trivulzio.
La nomina fa seguito alla scelta del Comune di Milano nella rosa di candidati presentati anche da Nedcommunity, in risposta al Bando 2020/2 del Comune di Milano.
Paola Schwizer Presidente Onorario di Nedcommunity
Paola Schwizer, past President di Nedcommunity, è stata nominata Presidente Onorario dell’Associazione nel corso dell’assemblea annuale svoltasi il 6 Luglio 2020.
Joint ESAs consultation paper on ESG disclosures – ecoDa EU Alert
It includes:
- ECB may ask banks to withhold dividends for longer
- Joint ESAs consultation paper on ESG disclosures
- European Court of Auditors recommends that Commission review methods of monitoring EU climate-related expenditure
- Volkswagen risks diesel claims across EU after top court ruling
- The Wirecard case raises several concerns
- Frank Bold’s position on the revision of the Non-Financial Reporting Directive
- Summary report of ecoDa’s series of webinars on the impacts of Covid-19 on board members
- The Maltese Institute of Directors organises a webinar on the centrality of Corporate Governance in the country’s economic system
- ecoDa’s news
Position paper of the European Parliament EESC Employers Groups in the key role of business in the recovery phase – ecoDa EU Alert
It includes:
- Draft Directive on representative actions for the protection of the collective interests of consumers
- EC Consultation on the review of the Solvency II Directive
- European Commission: 2nd Summer School on Sustainable Finance
- ecoDa, BusinessEurope and European Issuers exchanging opinions on the current topical CG issues
- Responses to the European Commission consultation on the Digital Finance Strategy
- The Swiss Parliament finally agree on the Responsible Business Initiative
- Position paper of the European Parliament EESC Employers Groups in the key role of business in the recovery phase
- Natural Capital Finance Alliance: report on Biodiversity Targets and Finance
- Global Cyber Alliance: 8-week program around email security
- ecoDa’s news