La nostra Associata Secondina Ravera nel Consiglio di Indirizzo dell’Azienda di Servizi alla Persona Istituti Milanesi Martinitt e Stelline e Pio Albergo Trivulzio


La nostra Associata Secondina Ravera è stata nominata, il 10 Luglio 2020, quale componente del Consiglio di Indirizzo dell’Azienda di Servizi alla Persona Istituti Milanesi Martinitt e Stelline e Pio Albergo Trivulzio.

La nomina fa seguito alla scelta del Comune di Milano nella rosa di candidati presentati anche da Nedcommunity, in risposta al Bando 2020/2 del Comune di Milano.


Joint ESAs consultation paper on ESG disclosures – ecoDa EU Alert


It includes:

  1. ECB may ask banks to withhold dividends for longer
  2. Joint ESAs consultation paper on ESG disclosures
  3. European Court of Auditors recommends that Commission review methods of monitoring EU climate-related expenditure
  4. Volkswagen risks diesel claims across EU after top court ruling
  5. The Wirecard case raises several concerns
  6. Frank Bold’s position on the revision of the Non-Financial Reporting Directive
  7. Summary report of ecoDa’s series of webinars on the impacts of Covid-19 on board members
  8. The Maltese Institute of Directors organises a webinar on the centrality of Corporate Governance in the country’s economic system
  9. ecoDa’s news



Position paper of the European Parliament EESC Employers Groups in the key role of business in the recovery phase – ecoDa EU Alert


It includes:

  1. Draft Directive on representative actions for the protection of the collective interests of consumers
  2. EC Consultation on the review of the Solvency II Directive
  3. European Commission: 2nd Summer School on Sustainable Finance
  4. ecoDa, BusinessEurope and European Issuers exchanging opinions on the current topical CG issues
  5. Responses to the European Commission consultation on the Digital Finance Strategy
  6. The Swiss Parliament finally agree on the Responsible Business Initiative
  7. Position paper of the European Parliament EESC Employers Groups in the key role of business in the recovery phase
  8. Natural Capital Finance Alliance: report on Biodiversity Targets and Finance
  9. Global Cyber Alliance: 8-week program around email security
  10. ecoDa’s news