EC: Reflection Paper on Sustainable Europe – ecoDa EU Alert

It includes:

  1. EC: Reflection Paper on Sustainable Europe
  2. IOSCO : ESG Disclosures
  3. WEF: Launch of Climate Governance Principles for Non-Executive Directors
  4. EC: Call for tender on primary and secondary equity markets in the EU
  5. EC Company Law Expert Group: Guidelines on remuneration reports
  6. ecoDa Position Paper: Consultation on Climate-related Reporting
  7. ecoDa: Report of the second edition of The CG Dialogue
  8. UK: Towards a new Stewardship Code
  9. ecoDa’s Calendar

ecoDa position paper su integrazione delle linee guida TCFD nella direttiva UE in tema di rendicontazione non finanziaria

ecoDa (The European Confederation of Directors Associations) nella quale Nedcommunity rappresenta i board italiani, ha pubblicato un position paper nel quale accoglie con favore l’integrazione delle linee guida della Taskforce for Climate Financial Disclosure (TCFD) nella direttiva UE in tema di rendicontazione non finanziaria.

“L’informativa risulterà più chiara per gli stakeholders, soprattutto per gli investitori che prendono in considerazione profili ESG. Per i board sarà più semplice analizzare l’impatto del climate change sui modelli di business’. 

WEF: Launch of Climate Governance Principles for Non-Executive Directors – ecoDa EU Alert

It includes:

  1. EC: Reflection Paper on Sustainable Europe
  2. IOSCO : ESG Disclosures
  3. WEF: Launch of Climate Governance Principles for Non-Executive Directors
  4. EC: Call for tender on primary and secondary equity markets in the EU
  5. EC Company Law Expert Group: Guidelines on remuneration reports
  6. ecoDa Position Paper: Consultation on Climate-related Reporting
  7. ecoDa: Report of the second edition of The CG Dialogue
  8. UK: Towards a new Stewardship Code
  9. ecoDa’s Calendar

WEF: Launch of Climate Governance Principles for Non-Executive Directors – ecoDa EU Alert

It includes:

  1. EC: Reflection Paper on Sustainable Europe
  2. IOSCO : ESG Disclosures
  3. WEF: Launch of Climate Governance Principles for Non-Executive Directors
  4. EC: Call for tender on primary and secondary equity markets in the EU
  5. EC Company Law Expert Group: Guidelines on remuneration reports
  6. ecoDa Position Paper: Consultation on Climate-related Reporting
  7. ecoDa: Report of the second edition of The CG Dialogue
  8. UK: Towards a new Stewardship Code
  9. ecoDa’s Calendar

EC: An online platform on Corporate Governance – ecoDa EU Alert

It includes:

  1. EC: An online platform on Corporate Governance
  2. EC: Conference on Sustainable Corporate Governance
  3. Financial Reporting Lab: Artificial Intelligence – How does it measure up?
  4. UK: Competition in Audit Sector
  5. US: PCAOB and Audit Quality
  6. Edelman Trust Barometer
  7. ECGI: The End of “Corporate” Governance (Hello “Platform” Governance)
  8. ecoDa News

EC: An online platform on Corporate Governance – ecoDa EU Alert

It includes:

  1. EC: An online platform on Corporate Governance
  2. EC: Conference on Sustainable Corporate Governance
  3. Financial Reporting Lab: Artificial Intelligence – How does it measure up?
  4. UK: Competition in Audit Sector
  5. US: PCAOB and Audit Quality
  6. Edelman Trust Barometer
  7. ECGI: The End of “Corporate” Governance (Hello “Platform” Governance)
  8. ecoDa News

Fondato il Chapter Nedcommunity di Roma e del Lazio

Il Consiglio Direttivo di Nedcommunity ha approvato la costituzione del Chapter di Roma e del Lazio.

Il Comitato Esecutivo locale è composto dai seguenti associati:

Giovanni Fiori (Presidente)
Ines Gandini (Segretario Generale)
Marco Befera
Sabrina Bruno
Francesca Brusco
Enzo De Angelis
Stefano Modena
Roger Olivieri
Livia Piermattei

Grazie all’avvio dei Chapter locali i soci di Nedcommunity avranno maggiori opportunità di incontro e di confronto oltre che di partecipazione diretta ai lavori dell’Associazione.

Executive Master – Consiglieri di Cda e Sindaci di società pubbliche e private


Executive Master – Il Sole 24 Ore

Consiglieri di Cda e Sindaci di società pubbliche e private

Responsabilità, competenze e leadership

Milano,  16 Novembre 2018 – 15 Maggio 2019

Per maggiori informazioni, cliccare qui

ecoDa EU Alert – Week 3 – ESMA/ CRSC: Call for Candidates

It includes:

  • IOSCO: Report on Good Practices for Audit Committees in Supporting Audit Quality
  • European Council: Whistleblowing
  • ESMA/ CRSC: Call for Candidates
  • ESMA: Annual Report on AMP in accordance with MAR
  • FESE: Position Statement on smaller capital markets within CMU
  • BlackRock & State Street Global Advisors: Annual letters
  • Accountancy Europe: Looking back, moving forward: our sustainable future starts today
  • ecoDa’s News