EcoDa 37 – Eu Alerts

It Includes:

  • Council: The French presidency’s priorities
  • EP: Tax information sharing must improve significantly
  • ESMA: Report on trends, risks and vulnerabilities
  • TPI publishes fresh scenarios
  • Update on the implementation of the Whistleblowing Directive (Transparency International)
  • Report: Europe’s top 25 banks failing on green pledges
  • Report: Governance trends shaping 2021 (Diligent)
  • Report: SMEs’ digital future (Accountancy Europe)
  • France: Middlenext Corporate Governance Code updated
  • The New Corporation: How “good” corporations are bad for democracy (Harvard Law School Forum on CG)
  • How the benefits of mandatory sustainability reporting by business do outweigh the costs (Frank Bold)
  • The promise of stakeholder capitalism: illusory or real?
  • EC: EU Sustainable Investment Summit
  • Sustainable Corporate Governance

ecoDa’s NEWS

  • LAST CHANCE TO REGISTER: 28th of September: As part of the European SME Week, ecoDa will organise an event, under the patronnage and with the participation of DG GROW, on “Underpinning entrepreneurship and resilience: Key governance challenges for unlisted companies“.  
  • SAVE THE DATE: 9th of November: European Corporate Governance Conference accompanying event to the Slovenian presidency, Beyond Traditional Corporate Governance – SUSTAINABILITY & INNOVATION. Organised by the Slovenian Directors’ Association, EY and ecoDa. More information to come.
  • ecoDa’s Educational Videos: Collective Actions. ecoDa, AIG and Crowell&Moring have jointly produced a short video to explain the concept of collective actions and its role in the EU, while also to shed light on the collective redress directive and the impact on businesses, boards and Officers Insurance.
  • 21nd of September: ecoDa’s board meeting;
  • 22nd of September: ecoDa’s board members will meet Commissioner Reynders to discuss the EC Sustainable Corporate Governance initiative.

The EU Alert is available for download here.

EcoDa’s Professional Development for European Directors – Programma di formazione EcoDa

Gentili Associati,

abbiamo il piacere di segnalarvi il programma di formazione “Professional Development for European Directors”, organizzato da Ecoda, che si svolgerà dal 6 Ottobre 2021 al 8 Ottobre 2021.

Vi invitiamo a leggere l’intero programma CLICCANDO QUI.

Nel caso foste interessati ad iscrivervi al programma CLICCATE QUI.

EcoDa 34 – Eu Alerts

It includes:

-EFRAG : Call for candidates for expert working groups to provide input for the development of draft European sustainability reporting standards
-The Platform on Sustainable Finance : Call for feedback
-EBA : The number of high earners in EU banks remained overall stable in 2019
-France : Business organisations are considering how to promote employee shareholding
-UK : Planet Mark
-Board Agenda Article: Business roundtable stakeholder statement mostly for show
-Chapter Zero : Lessons learned from Sustainability Committee Chairs

The EU Alert is available for download here.

EcoDa Webinar- 28/09/2021 – Underpinning entrepreneurship and resilience: Key governance challenges for unlisted companies

Corporate Governance is an increasing issue for unlisted companies as they develop new sources of finance. It is also a way to gain the respect of key external stakeholders.

However, copying principles of best practice for listed companies is not a viable solution as unlisted companies have their own features and challenges.

Given the wide scope of unlisted companies, the definition and implementation of a corporate governance framework has indeed to take account the firm’s size, complexity, level of maturity and objectives regarding its own development.

With its updated Corporate Governance Guidance and Principles for Unlisted Companies in Europe, ecoDa is providing advice for the governance implementation process, leaving the companies the freedom to decide on the pace and depth.

Our webinar will get the challenges and opportunities out for discussion. Testimonies of unlisted companies will flesh out specific practices highlighting the importance of discipline and consistency.

To register CLICK HERE