ecoDa’s EU Alert 21

It includes:

  • EC: Results from the public consultation on the sustainable CG initiative
  • EC: Commissioner McGuiness’s speech on corporate reporting after Wirecard
  • EC: TESG Final Report on SMEs  – Empowering EU Capital Markets
  • EC: Taxonomy’s Article 8 draft delegated unveiled
  • Letter: NGOs support for the EC plans on Sustainable CG and response to criticism
  • EuropeanIssuers: Feedback on the TESG Report on SMEs
  • Podcast: The shift to sustainability: A CFO’s journey (Accountancy Europe)
  • Report: European Family Business Covid-19 Edition
  • Article: Achieving gender balance on executive teams – What works ? (Board Agenda)
  • UK: The IoD calling on business to adopt climate-related financial disclosures
  • UK: The FRC issued revised auditing standards 
  • Germany: NEDs can make climate neutrality a reality (Forbes)
  • Guberna: Summer School and International Governance Forum

    ecoDa’s NEWS

    • ecoDa has published its 2020 Annual Report.
    • 28th May: ecoDa has been represented by Alessandra Stabilini, at the European Family BusinessWeek to discuss Sustainable Corporate Governance;
    • 4th of June: ecoDa’s Policy Committee meeting;
    • 9th of June:
      • ecoDa’s Education Committee meeting;
      • ecoDa/PwC Joint Webinar on “How to approach tax governance as a strategic issue? A discussion for board members” (4.00-5.00pm CET). More information to be found here.
    • SAVE THE DATE:  9th of November: The 2021 EU Corporate Governance Conference under the Slovenian Presidency of the Council, will be organised online by the Slovenian Directors’ Association (a members of ecoDa) and ecoDa, with the support of EY. More information to be released shortly.

      CLICK HERE for the download

Webinar- 09/06/2021 – ecoDa and PWC-How to approach tax governance as a strategic issue? A discussion for board members

Today, due to an increased interest from the society, companies are aware of the importance of behaving in a socially responsible manner and of promoting good tax behaviour. Responsible tax behaviour is an important element of the corporate social responsibility of enterprises and their reputation with their stakeholders is consequently at stake. A growing number of stakeholders, such as investors (via the United Nations Principles for Responsible Investment), pension funds, financial regulators and banks, are paying attention to a company’s tax strategy and also take tax behavior into account in investment or financing decisions.

Encouraged by a growing public demand, the European Union, including the Parliament, is moving forward on taxation and the next step could be to harmonise and institutionalise fair taxation and tax responsibility.

That is why the June 9 Webinar will focus on the different tax governance aspects for directors and the need to make it a strategic issue in the board rooms. In order to raise awareness, ecoDa has brought together leading experts to discuss and to guide directors on this essential topic.


Our speakers

Cristiano Borean, CFO, Generali Group,

Edwin Visser, Tax policy leader for the EMEA region and of PwC Europe.

To register CLICK HERE.

FERPI – Aperte le iscrizioni alla 57esima edizione dell’Oscar di Bilancio

Si sono aperte il 30 aprile le iscrizioni alla 57esima edizione dell’Oscar di Bilancio, il riconoscimento, promosso da FERPI, Borsa Italiana e Università Bocconi, che annovera NED Community tra le associazioni partner.

Il premio annuale vede protagoniste le aziende più virtuose nell’attività di reporting e nella cura dei rapporti con   gli stakeholder.

Fra le novità dell’edizione 2021 una sezione dedicata alle Società Benefit e l’ampliamento della categoria Enti Locali.

Per più informazioni CLICCA QUI

Per registrarti CLICCA QUI