ecoDa EU Alert – Week 43 – EBA: 2019 Work programme

It includes:

  1. European Commission: Work programme for 2019
  2. EBA: 2019 Work programme
  3. The European Corporate Reporting Lab at EFRAG
  4. UK : FRC pushes companies for improved quality reporting
  5. France : New report of the High Committee on Corporate Governance
  6. Frank Bold: Directors’ long-term duties
  7. Blackrock: stakes claim on ‘sustainable investing’ revolution
  8. Whistleblowing: A Danish case
  9. Cybersecurity: Compilation of reports issued by international think thanks
  10. ecoDa News

ecoDa EU Alert – Week 42 – AFEP: Sustainable Finance: What’s in it for Corporates?


It includes:

  1. European Commission : Stakeholder meeting on non-financial disclosures
  2. IFC: Operating Principles for Impact Management
  3. AFEP: Sustainable Finance: What’s in it for Corporates?
  4. INSEAD: Directors’ Forum – Disruptive forces
  5. ECGI: Does serving shareholders mean putting profit above all else?
  6. ecoDa News

AFEP: Sustainable Finance: What’s in it for Corporates? – ecoDa EU Alert – Week 42

It includes:

  1. European Commission : Stakeholder meeting on non-financial disclosures
  2. IFC: Operating Principles for Impact Management
  3. AFEP: Sustainable Finance: What’s in it for Corporates?
  4. INSEAD: Directors’ Forum – Disruptive forces
  5. ECGI: Does serving shareholders mean putting profit above all else?
  6. ecoDa News

ecoDa EU Alert – Week 41 – European Commission: Fostering sustainable corporate governance

It includes:

  1. European Commission: Fostering sustainable corporate governance
  2. European Commission: Remuneration report
  3. European Parliament: Collective redress
  4. European Parliament: Cross-border conversions, mergers and divisions
  5. European Banking Federation (EBF): European bankruptcy law concerns banks
  6. France: New AMF Report on shareholders’ rights and voting rights in general meetings.
  7. UK: IPPR Report
  8. ecoDa News

European Commission: Fostering sustainable corporate governance – ecoDa EU Alert – Week 41

It includes:

  1. European Commission: Fostering sustainable corporate governance
  2. European Commission: Remuneration report
  3. European Parliament: Collective redress
  4. European Parliament: Cross-border conversions, mergers and divisions
  5. European Banking Federation (EBF): European bankruptcy law concerns banks
  6. France: New AMF Report on shareholders’ rights and voting rights in general meetings.
  7. UK: IPPR Report
  8. ecoDa News

ecoDa EU Alert – Week 40 – Reforming directors’ duties in the EU to promote long-termism and sustainability

It includes:

  1. National competent authorities : Questionnaire launched to ACs
  2. European Parliament: Study on collective redress
  3. EFAMA event: Asset managers & sustainable finance
  4. ECON: draft report on low carbon benchmarks and positive carbon impact benchmarks
  5. Reforming directors’ duties in the EU to promote long-termism and sustainability
  6. Amendments: Whistleblowing
  7. ecoDa News

Reforming directors’ duties in the EU to promote long-termism and sustainability – ecoDa EU Alert – Week 40

It includes:

  1. National competent authorities : Questionnaire launched to ACs
  2. European Parliament: Study on collective redress
  3. EFAMA event: Asset managers & sustainable finance
  4. ECON: draft report on low carbon benchmarks and positive carbon impact benchmarks
  5. Reforming directors’ duties in the EU to promote long-termism and sustainability
  6. Amendments: Whistleblowing
  7. ecoDa News