10 October 2022: Corporate Governance: A booster for innovation?
Promoting a more standardised and global approach of governance practices is it the right to support innovation in European companies? How companies can have a different development path if regulators and investors are overly focusing on enforcing hard regulations and standard practices?
This webinar will be moderated by Michael Hilb.
The panel will be composed of Chris Hodge, Gatis Kokins, Annalisa Gigante and Abigail Levrau.
Please register to confirm your participation via this link: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_u0IA8yehSr2tvR2moTAqow
27 October 2022: Corporate reporting: Internal control 2.0 as the way forward? In cooperation with PwC
The subject of internal control is becoming more predominant in current debates, whether it concerns reflection on corporate reporting, ESRS standards or audit reform debates at national level like in the UK and in the Netherlands. What is meant by internal control? What is the role of internal control for ESG? What lessons from Sarbanes Oxley?
This webinar will be moderated by Rogier Wezenbeek.
The panel will be composed of Rachel Bowden, Maurizio Donvito, Stephen Licence and Anne-Hélène Monsellato.
Please register to confirm your participation via this link: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_GdVGPzupRp2oaB_6IzYdgg